Empty Tomb Outdoor “Drive Through” Easter Presentation


April 14th-16th — Thursday, Friday, Saturday @ 7:15 PM-9:00 PM

Bring your family to our live Easter presentation

Drive in front of our church building to see a recreation of the empty tomb, beautifully staged with the Biblical Easter characters.

No cost to attend.

Easter candy and goodies for every car.

Visit hopewellbc.com/easter2020 for all the details!

Easter Sunday — April 17th @ 11:00 AM

The Reason for Celebration is the Resurrection

Easter means so much more than bunny rabbits, candy baskets, and Springtime. It’s about Jesus Christ–a real person, who really lived, really died, and really rose again! Jesus’s resurrection gives us reason to celebrate indeed. The message of the empty tomb is one of hope for the world.

Pastor Mike Ray will preach a practical message from God’s Word on that resurrection hope and the significance it has for you.

Attending for the First Time?

For our first-time guests, we hope this Easter service will give you a taste of our church family.

If this will be your first time connecting with our church family, see our Planning a Visit page to get a feel for our church.

Kids Candy Hunt!

We are excited to say that the kids’ candy hunt is back!

This fun activity for children sixth grade and below will follow the morning 11:00 AM service.

Bring a basket and enjoy the fun!

Hopewell Baptist Church is located in Napa, California, and pastored by Mike Ray. It is Bible-based with a warm, friendly atmosphere. Hopewell is dedicated to bringing the water of life to the Napa Valley and beyond.

You can watch archived services on Vimeo, YouTube, or audio podcast. Stay up to date by following us on Facebook or Instagram.



Hopewell Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Ray
Hopewell Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Ray

Written by Hopewell Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Ray

Hopewell Baptist Church is an independent Baptist Church located in Napa, California

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