Nuggets of Knowledge from Romans 8
Below is an excerpt of the sermon “Nuggets of Knowledge from Romans 8” from Pastor Mike Ray at Hopewell Baptist Church on Sunday Evening, 5/16/2021.
If you have your Bibles, let’s open them please to the Book of Romans. Romans chapter number 8 tonight, the famous chapter 8 of Romans. We’ll start by looking at the first verse. I hope you’ll keep your Bible (or whatever you have) open. Maybe you have a phone. You know, it’s all different. You’ve got a phone, you got a laptop, you got an iPad. Maybe you’ve got a memory stick in your head, you just kind of push on your temples, and it kind of comes out in your contact lens or something. But hopefully, you’ll leave your Bibles open because we’re going to be referring to several, several of these other verses in Tomans chapter 8. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus…” That’s a phrase for being saved — we’re “in Christ.” “…in Christ who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” The theme of this great book of Romans is “the just shall live by faith.” It is all about salvation — ours and helping others to find salvation. So, the topic title tonight is “Nuggets of Knowledge from Romans 8.” Nuggets of Knowledge from Romans 8. And we’re going to look at just six of these nuggets tonight. Some will be quick, some will be a little bit longer than others.
I was talking to Brother Johnson. Mike Johnson on the phone this afternoon. I said, “Brother Johnson, what did you preach on the last few weeks?” He said, “The love of Christ.” I said, “Are you finished yet?” He said, “No, I don’t think I’ll ever finish that.” And I told him, I said, “I’m going verse by verse in detail through Romans 8. We’re covering everything that could possibly be said.” He laughed. Spurgeon said, “You never get finished with even one verse of the Word of God. It’s so rich and so powerful.”
So, let’s pray. Father, again, bless now this brief time we have. Thank you for the Bible. Help us tonight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
So here it is. Paul has saved 25 years at this time. It was 25 years before that he is imprisoning Christians. He is holding the coat of Stephen as people are picking up stones to throw at Stephen, and stoning that godly deacon. 25 years have passed — a long time, a quarter of a century. God uses Paul to write many of these things that actually affected his life as well. The first thing he says in Romans 8, he said, “There is no condemnation in Christ.” What in the world that mean? The Bible says before we’re saved, in John 3:18, it says, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” So what’s it mean? It means when we’re saved, we’re not condemned to Hell. That’s what he’s saying. He says once we’re saved, we’re not condemned to Hell.
But it’s actually referring to something else, too. What’s it referring to? Condemnation in our minds. What are you talking about, pastor? We’re talking about once we get saved, The Holy Spirit never brings up our sins that are confessed. We’re saved. The sins are under the blood. We confess our sins; the Holy Spirit never brings it up. But there are things that are brought up. Have you noticed since you’ve been saved? God does not wipe away all memories of things we should not have done or said or places we’ve been. Somehow, those memories are still there, and they condemn us. Maybe you’ve taught Sunday School before. You’ve stood up to teach and some little voice said, “Who are you to be teaching? Who are you to be singing in the choir? You remember what you did many, many, many years ago? You remember how you were many, many, many years ago?” Know what that is? Condemnation. It is satanic. It is satan bringing up past memories that are already confessed, already under the blood, already dealt with. But he just wants us to feel like we’re unworthy to serve. What is the condemnation? What does he say? He brings up sin. He brings up failures. He brings up the past. He uses words like “unworthy” and “weakness.” He brings up phrases like “You’re not as good as someone else. If only I had hindsight 2020. If only I had done…” He’s the accuser. Satan tempts us to sin, and then once we sin, all he does is accuse us and tell us how bad and unworthy we are.
Now, if he’s never done that to you, get ready. He will because he did that to the Apostle Paul. Here’s Paul writing Scripture and I’m sure that condemnation came into his mind. Who are you to write Scripture? Paul, you killed Christians! Who are you to start churches? You remember what you said and got people to blaspheme? Who are you? And all these sad things… Just let me remind you where it’s coming from. It’s not coming from the Holy Spirit of God. It’s coming from below, and he’ll use it and use it and use it.
I was outside today taking some garbage out, and one of the church neighbors that several of you have been trying to help him, a good person, struggling with alcohol. “Hey, pastor!” I mean way down the street — “Pastor!” And so, I’m waiting, I’m going to talk to him, and he’s kind of wobbling a little bit ahead. “I’ve been drinking.” And I said, “What’s going on?” I called him by name. I said, “How can I help?” And he said, “I know I’ve disappointed you.” He said, “I’ve disappointed my family, and just a big disappointment.” I said, “Haven’t we all?” I said, “Haven’t we all disappointed someone?” “Well, I’m just a failure and…and look at me…and I messed up again. I’m drunk again.” I said, “Everyone messes up at some time.” You know, who’s telling him that? The old accuser, the old accuser. I said, “Hey, you’re still loved.” I said, “Take a nap, sober up, and trying to get here tonight.” If you can’t join the club, join the club of failures. Join the club of people that have a past. Join the club of people with some regrets. Join the club of people who wish they could do something over and do a little redo.
And so, here’s Paul. He says, “Hey, if you’re in Christ, it’s not Jesus condemning you and it’s not your Father condemning you.” He said, “There’s no condemnation in Christ Jesus.”
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Hopewell Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church in Napa, California pastored by Mike Ray. It is Bible-based with a warm, friendly atmosphere. Hopewell dedicated to bringing the water of life to the Napa Valley and beyond.